Wednesday, November 2, 2011


1) What is your opinion of the issue?
I think, the Euthanaisa is not right to die. Because, that person dead, family very sad. The person sick very much that is pain. But the Euthanaisa is not right.
2) Should a person have a right to die?Right to die is comfortable die. Example, while person sleeping, and die. And person want to die, decide to die, these are comfortable die.
1) Do you believe the church should determine what should be law?
2) Do you believe the justice department should determine a person's choice?
Maype yes. Because, justice choice is good.
1) Do you agree with the statement, "None of us is master over life and death."?
2) What about, "It is never "care" in any sense of the word, to terminate life, even if that life is full of suffering."?
No. if that life have good memories.